You are very welcome to call 508-533-7771 Monday - Thursday 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. with your mass request, or you may click: Mass Intention Requests
It is traditional in many parishes to have a Memorial Mass or Month’s Mind for the deceased following the loss of your loved one. The Month’s Mind is an opportunity to once again commend the deceased to our loving God. It is celebrated in an atmosphere of prayerful remembrance, of gratitude, and of hope in the resurrection. The pain of loss is not quite as intense now, and a mass helps us to move forward into the future. Other celebrations In the months and years following the death of your loved one, there will be other opportunities to remember and pray for him or her in a special way. You may wish to have a Mass celebrated on the anniversary of the death, on All Souls’ Day, during the month of November, or perhaps around the time of a birthday. These will keep the memory of your loved one alive, and will help the process of grieving.